Recent News

Sledding and tobogganing are prohibited at Mooney’s Bay hill. Effective today, the City will increase patrols and enforce the no sledding or tobogganing rules at the Mooney’s Bay hill, as it has been the scene of consistent large crowds, numbering in the hundreds, over the...

Today, the City of Ottawa’s Anti-Racism Secretariat has released a survey to give residents the opportunity to help shape its work. The survey is open to all residents and will help determine the immediate needs within the six priority areas identified in past consultation – employment...

Everyone has an opinion about how the City of Ottawa maintains its roads in the winter, and residents have an opportunity to share that opinion with the City right now. The City of Ottawa is reviewing its Winter Maintenance Quality Standards (WMQS). The standards determine when...

Premier Ford announced today that the province of Ontario has now entered a state of emergency effective immediately. The Premier has also announced effective Thursday, January 14, 2021 at 12:01 a.m., the government is issuing a stay-at-home order requiring everyone to remain at home with...

Check out our Virtual Arts and Recreation Centre! Start 2021 with a new virtual hobby. The City will be offering a wide range of classes including arts, cooking, fitness, meditation, languages and more. These courses are offered in a real-time, live stream, interactive format. Firstly, there...