03 Apr 2018 Cathodic Protection Program
In May, the City’s Water Services branch will begin preventive maintenance on metallic water mains as part of its annual Cathodic Protection Program. The program extends the life of a community’s metallic water main by attaching magnesium rods to the water main in the City’s right of way. These rods provide corrosion protection to the water main.
Impacts to residents are typically minimal. There will be noise associated with the excavation, which is done by hydro-excavation. The installation process takes minutes and the resulting 30 cm (1 foot) diameter holes are refilled the same day. There will be no impact to water quality or pressure, as all work takes place on the outside of the water main. Traffic and pedestrian impacts will be minimal.
This work is scheduled from May to early August, and will occur between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. to minimize noise-related disruption. Clean Water Works has a service contract to complete the work, and will be overseen by City staff.
The notice below will be provided to affected residents in early April, outlining the planned work and providing relevant contact information.
Additional program information along with a list of all impacted streets can be found at ottawa.ca/cathodicprotection.
Impacted Streets in River Ward:
From to
16 | Chandler Ave. | Lexington St. | Morley Blvd. |
16 | Griffith Way | Lexington St. | Morley Blvd. |
16 | Hudson Ave. | Lexington St. | Morley Blvd. |
16 | Lexington St. | Baseline Rd. | Morley Blvd. |
16 | Morley Blvd. | Dynes Rd. | Baseline Rd. |
16 | Quesnel Dr. | Riverside Dr. | Dead-End |
16 | Sanford Ave. | Morley Blvd. | Lexington St. |
16 | Wilshire Ave. | Morley Blvd. | Lexington St. |