29 Jun Walkley Road Bridge Rehabilitation
Walkley Road Bridge over the Southeast Transitway and Walkley Road Sawmill Creek Culvert Rehabilitation
Beginning July 7 2015, the City of Ottawa will begin construction work in your neighbourhood to rehabilitate the Walkley Road bridge over the Southeast Transitway and Walkley Road Sawmill Creek culvert.
The construction will take place at the Walkley Road Bridge over the Southeast Transitway and at Sawmill Creek under Walkley Road.
Work will involve the rehabilitation of the Walkley Road Bridge, replacement of the access link slabs to each Transitway stair tower, installation of the new concrete columns under the new access link slabs, and rehabilitation of the Sawmill Creek culvert under Walkley Road.
WHEN: The work is planned to begin in mid June 2015 and finish by November 2015.
The City of Ottawa Noise By-law (2004-253) allows construction activity to occur weekdays between 7am and 10pm. Please note that night work is expected for this project. Advance notice of night work will be provided to the community by updates on the City website and by written Notice delivered to residents adjacent to the work.
To view the entire residential notice, please click the following link:
Notice to Residents Walkley SE Twy and Sawmill Creek Culvert- May 2015 – ENGLISHfinal