04 Sep City opens Brookfield pathway connection for pedestrians, cyclists
Ottawa – Residents who travel between the communities of Heron Park, Riverside Park and Confederation Heights via the Brookfield multi-use pathway can use a new dedicated, grade-separated connection to cross under the O-train track at Sawmill Creek as of this week.
This new connection consists of a wooden deck elevated crossing and asphalt connecting path, which curves under the Sawmill Creek O-Train Bridge. The total project cost $2.3 million.
Work to replace the only at-grade crossing of the O-Train tracks for pedestrians and cyclists began a year ago, when the City embarked on the O-Train expansion project, a $59 million initiative to improve passenger service and system capacity on the eight-kilometre light rail route between Greenboro and Bayview stations.
The pathway, including the new connection, will be maintained in winter.
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