19 May Ottawa Police Service Public Consultation
The Ottawa Police Service (OPS) is launching a public consultation to gather feedback on changes being considered to its service delivery model.
These changes are part of a strategy at the OPS, called the Service Initiative program, which is designed to improve how we serve the community given a number of pressures facing policing both in Ottawa and across North America – such as increasing costs, city growth, changing demographics, growing demands for service, and the increasing complexity of crime.
We would like to invite community partners and key stakeholders to a consultation to gather your feedback on our new frontline deployment model.
We are holding facilitated sessions on two different days/times to help accommodate schedules. As spaces are limited, we recommend organizations and/or groups register one participant to act as their delegate. This will help to ensure representation from a diverse group of partners and stakeholders in the community.
The purpose of the engagement is to provide an opportunity for community partners and stakeholders to learn more about the deployment model and provide feedback, as well as to learn more about the Service Initiative program.
If you are unable to attend either of the sessions, you can provide your feedback through our online questionnaire or by emailing a written submission to serviceinitiative@ottawapolice.ca.
The opportunities and recommendations gathered throughout the consultation will be documented in a report and will inform the OPS’s way forward with respect to the new model.
For more information about the Service Initiative program, please visit ottawapolice.ca/serviceinitiative.
Jill Skinner
Deputy Chief
Ottawa Police Service