17 Jun June 2016 Transit Service Adjustments
This post is to provide you with additional details regarding the transit service adjustments occurring in June around Tunney’s Pasture Station, including the final Transitway segment closure to allow for O-Train Confederation Line construction.
Friday, June 24
On Friday, June 24 at 7 p.m., the final segment of the Transitway between Tunney’s Pasture Station and Merton Street will close permanently for O-Train Confederation Line construction. Bus service will be adjusted to use bus-only lanes on Scott Street.
Friday, June 24 – Sunday, June 26
During the transition to the new platform at Tunney’s Pasture Station, a temporary detour will be in effect from Friday, June 24 at 7 p.m. until the end of the service day on Sunday, June 26, between Westboro and Tunney’s Pasture stations. The temporary weekend detour will facilitate the opening of the new ramp that will connect the Transitway with the upper level of Tunney’s Pasture Station. Over this weekend, bus service will be detoured to operate on Scott Street between Westboro and Tunney’s Pasture stations.
The temporary weekend detour will have minimal impact on travel time and has been planned in conjunction with all nearby special events taking place during the weekend of June 24-26. Due to the closure of the Sir John A. MacDonald Parkway in the vicinity of Tunney’s Pasture Station for a cycling event on the same weekend, there may be higher than normal weekend auto volumes on Scott Street. The bus-only lanes on Scott Street east of Holland Avenue will help to mitigate any potential impacts of additional auto traffic volume on Scott Street.
Monday, June 27
On Monday, June 27, the temporary weekend detour ends and the Transitway will reopen for buses between Westboro and Tunney’s Pasture stations. Tunney’s Pasture Station will remain open and the lower level will remain closed. Buses will continue to operate on Scott Street between Tunney’s Pasture and downtown, and will use the new ramp from the Transitway to serve a new temporary platform on the upper level of Tunney’s Pasture Station.
For your reference, the map below and attached take-one flyer provides more information on the transit service adjustments that will begin on June 24.
Information on these service adjustments are being provided to customers through many channels including octranspo.com, Twitter, take-one flyers, customer outreach and notices at affected bus stops, and targeted audio announcements on-board buses.
Following the June 24 service adjustments, the Transitway between Tunney’s Pasture and Blair stations will be fully closed to allow for the construction of the O-Train Confederation Line. These service adjustments will remain in effect until the opening of the O-Train Confederation Line in 2018.