06 Oct Baseline Road Bus Rapid Transit Public Meeting
Thank you to all residents who attended the Baseline Road Bus Rapid Transit public meeting last night.
The City of Ottawa is working on a Planning and Environmental Assessment (EA) Study for the proposed at-grade Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) facility between Bayshore Station and Heron Station along a 14.5 km corridor generally following Baseline Road and Heron Road. The proposed facility would accommodate increasing travel demand across the City and help achieve modal share targets as set out in the Transportation Master Plan (TMP).
Implementation of the BRT facility is identified in the TMP as follows:
- Baseline Station to Billings Bridge Station: Part of 2031 Affordable Transit Network.
- Baseline Station to Bayshore Station: Part of Network Concept Plan (Post 2031).
The EA Study will determine measures to improve transit service efficiency along the corridor and result in the expansion of the City’s transit network.
Study Area
The Study Area stretches between Bayshore Station and Billings Bridge Station along a corridor following Holly Acres Road, Richmond Road, Baseline Road, Navaho Drive and Heron Road and includes the area around Baseline Station.
Public input and comment on the information presented at the Open House event will be received until October 21, 2016.
The Environmental Assessment portion of the study will be undertaken in accordance with the Transit Project Assessment Process (TPAP) as prescribed in Ontario Regulation 231/08, Transit Projects. The EA process involves developing, assessing, and evaluating alternatives, which results in a Recommended Plan that will be presented to City’s Transportation Committee and Council for approval in 2017.
I would recommend residents review the Open House Display Boards [ PDF 7.767 MB ] from last evening’s meeting and submitting any comments or ideas during the course of the study by email or regular mail using the following contact information:
Jabbar Siddique, P. Eng.
Senior Project Engineer–Environmental Assessment
City of Ottawa
613-580-2424, ext. 13914
Fax: 613-580-2578