26 Feb Stage 2 LRT Public Information Session – February 28 at 6pm
Last Friday, the City of Ottawa provided a briefing on the LRT Phase 2, announcing the successful bidders for the construction and maintenance of the Confederation Line and Trillium line extensions.
The announcement also came with an increased price tag for the construction and added timelines for all three extensions, east, west and south.
City Council is expected to make a final decision on March 6, 2019 and as such, given the magnitude of this project, South-end Councillors have just solidified plans for a public meeting this Thursday, February 28, 2019 at the Jim Durrell Recreation Complex, 1265 Walkley Road. Doors open at 6pm.
The public information session will consist of a detailed presentation followed by a Q&A session. I want to hear from you.