19 Dec My ServiceOttawa Upgrades
ServiceOttawa, the City’s online service tool, has officially launched their most recent upgrade and residents are now able to view, print and pay property taxes and water bills online through an individualized www.myservice.ottawa.ca account.
Through a My ServiceOttawa account, residents and businesses can now:
- view their account summary
- view their bill history and their last payment information
- print their property tax and water and sewer bills
- pay their bill online directly through the link to the City’s third party payment provider, Paymentus
- subscribe to and update their pre-authorized debit and,
- change their mailing address
Residents and businesses will benefit by being able to print a copy of their own bill, thereby reducing the need to request and pay for a reprint. An account will make performing tasks such as viewing account balances, updating banking information or applying for pre-authorized debit easier.
In addition, a My ServiceOttawa account will provide the opportunity to:
- manage City eSubcriptions all in one place
- view your garbage and recycle collection calendar
- search and view the status of service requests
- view the In My Neighbourhood interactive map to view city schools, libraries, parks, recreation facilities, community services, events and land development applications
- view City social media feeds such as Twitter
I would encourage all residents to register and take advantage of the many resources offered through My ServiceOttawa.