29 Oct River Ward’s Annual Older Adult Summit
Thank you to all the residents who joined me online today for the first-ever virtual version of the Older Adult Summit. The presentations from Ottawa Public Health and the Council on Aging in Ottawa were very well received.
Below you can re-watch the video from the event at your leisure.
I have also included the slide decks from both presentations as well as all the helpful links that were provided during the course of the Summit.
If you have any follow up questions, please do not hesitate to contact the office via email at Riley.Brockington@Ottawa.ca or by phone at 613-580-2486.
Ottawa Public Health Presentation: OPH Older Adult Virtual Summit_Oct29ms
Council on Aging in Ottawa Presentation: Council on Aging – Healthy Aging with COVID Survey Preliminary Findings – FINAL 2020-10
Helpful Links:
CoA Resources
- COA website at: www.coaottawa.ca
- COA Special COVID-19 Updates at: www.coaottawa.ca/special-covid-19-updates
- Download the COVID-19 Seniors Survey factsheet at: www.coaottawa.ca/covid-19-seniors-survey-update/
- Download Tips for Winter Walking at: www.coaottawa.ca/transportation
- Register for COA Online Events at: www.coaottawa.ca/cat/coa-events/
- Aging Well Together at the Library at: www.biblioottawalibrary.ca/en/aging-well-together
- Seniors can connect! https://seniorscanconnect.ca/
- Questions about volunteer opportunities – https://www.volunteerottawa.ca/
- Money Matters – https://coaottawa.ca/covid-19-updates-money-matters-benefits-taxes-banking-financial-relief-and-scams/
- https://techboomers.com/ a free educational website that teaches older adults and other inexperienced Internet users with basic computer skills about websites that can help improve their quality of life.
- Counselling Connect – www.counsellingconnect.org
Ottawa Public Health Resources
- Emergency Response Line: 613-580-6744 and follow the COVID-19 prompts
Good Companions link
- https://thegoodcompanions.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/SCWW-Fall-2020-Calendar.pdf
- General info on Seniors’ Centre Without Walls https://thegoodcompanions.ca/programs-services/seniors-centre-without-walls/