04 Nov O-Train South Extension – November Construction Update
O-Train South Extension – October Recap
In the south, work is progressing well at the Walkley Maintenance and Storage Facility (MSF) and on multiple rail bridges including Airport Parkway, Uplands Road, Lester Road, Leitrim Road, Bowesville Road, Earl Armstrong Road, and Limebank Road. The Stage 2 LRT team is preparing to begin track installation on the O-Train South extension. 16 km of new rail will be installed as we extend the O-Train network to Riverside South and neighbouring communities
To view a detailed and interactive map of the Stage 2 alignments, please visit Ottawa.ca/Stage2. Use the zoom function to narrow-in on your geographical area of interest, and click station names for a quick link to artistic renderings and detailed description.
Existing Trillium Line
Bayview Station and Trinity Pedestrian Bridge
- Crews have mobilized for construction activities by preparing the laydown area. Survey stakes have been erected to mark the perimeter for the installation of fencing around the laydown area which is on the City’s land by Tom Brown Arena. The laydown area is required to facilitate and support construction activities and ensure the health and safety of TransitNEXT crew and the public.
- Grade work commenced during the week of October 5 and crane pad construction on the east side of the site began the week of October 13.
Gladstone Station
- Rock hauling is underway.
Carling Station
- The removal of rail and signal equipment has commenced.
- Demolition plans are underway for the existing platform and Station.
- Topsoil excavation is nearing completion.
Pictured Above: Rail and signal removal is underway at Carling Station in advance of upcoming station and platform demolition.
Dows Lake Tunnel
- Crews have completed the removal of rail, ballast and track ties.
- Expansion joint sealing and cracking injection work are underway.
Carleton Station Multi-use Pathways (MUPs)
- The northside MUP to the underpass is closed to accommodate sanitary and storm sewer utility work. A temporary detour has been constructed to maintain access for pedestrians and cyclists. Removal of the existing underpass has begun.
- The southside MUP is closed to accommodate ongoing excavation, and a temporary detour is in place to maintain access for pedestrians and cyclists.
- 3 of 4 footings are completed for the southside MUP.
- Abutment and wingwall construction are ongoing.
- Excavation, rebar and formwork are progressing.
- The removal of rail and signaling equipment has commenced.
Mooney’s Bay Station
- The removal of the shelters, light posts, and demolition of the existing station is complete.
- A MUP detour is in place to divert pedestrians and cyclists around the work zone
- Crews are encasing fiber cables in steel as part of local utility works.
Ellwood Diamond (VIA rail crossing) Rail Bridge
- 2 out of 9 caissons are completed.
- Preparations are underway for the demolition of the south-east Transitway and the Sawmill Creek bridges, to occur following utility relocations.
- An existing segment of the Brookfield MUP closed earlier this fall and a temporary detour is in place until the end of 2021 in order to maintain safe access for pedestrians and cyclists.
Walkley Maintenance and Storage Facility (MSF)
- Civil works for the underground utilities are advancing within the MSF yard, including the drainage and duct bank system.
- Structural steel erection for the main building is complete and exterior shell work is commencing later in October.
- Track welding work is underway and nearing completion at the MSF.
Trillium Line New Extension
Walkley Station
- Site preparations for Walkley Station commenced in early October, including the construction of site access roads and the laydown area.
- An existing segment of the Walkley MUP was temporarily closed on September 30 and a temporary detour is in place until September 2021 in order to maintain safe access for pedestrians and cyclists around the work zone.
South Keys Station
- Excavation for the future Station is complete and the temporary support for the existing utilities is being maintained.
- Pile driving for the station foundation continues.
- Track welding is underway for the construction of the new tracks.
Guideway between Greenboro and Hunt Club Road
- Earthworks are ongoing.
Hunt Club Rail Bridge & Pedestrian Bridge
- Utilities work began in mid-September. Once complete in mid-October, bridge work will begin.
- Overnight work is required to complete the duct bank construction to facilitate the relocation of overhead utilities.
Guideway between Hunt Club Road and Leitrim Road Bridge
- Sub-base, sub-ballast and landscaping work are ongoing.
Pictured above: Embankment construction is progressing between Lester Road and Hunt Club Road.
Guideway between Hunt Club Road and Leitrim Road:
- Sub-base, sub-ballast and landscaping work are ongoing.
Airport Parkway Rail Bridge
- Bridge deck pre-cast panel installations are completed.
- Deck formwork and rebar work are ongoing. Bridge embankment work is also ongoing.
Airport Elevated Guideway
- Caisson work is complete.
- 13 of 17 columns have been poured.
- 7 of 12 pier caps have been completed.
- 12 girders were erected, and installations continue.
- Bridge deck formwork in Spans 1 and 2 are ongoing.
- Bridge deck formwork in Spans 3 and 4 are underway.
- Excavation and embankment work between the Airport Elevated Guideway and Uplands Drive Rail Bridge continues.
Uplands Drive Rail Bridge
- Bridge deck pre-cast panel installations are complete, and bridge embankment works are wrapping up.
- Reinforcing steel installation and deck formwork are completed.
- Bridge deck pour was completed.
Lester Road Rail Bridge
- Bridge deck pour was completed.
- Diaphragm and parapet wall construction are ongoing.
- Construction continues for the installation of a Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) retaining wall at Lester.
- Excavation and embankment work are ongoing between Lester and Hunt Club.
Leitrim Road Rail Bridge
- 2 of 4 caissons are complete.
- Construction continues for the installation of a Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) retaining wall.
- Work to install a new watermain valve under the eastbound lane of Leitrim Road will require lane shifts and are expected to be concluded by October 16.
- Preparations are underway for tree removal north of Leitrim. Due to design changes, additional removals are being confirmed.
Mosquito Creek Bridge
- 4 of 8 caissons are complete.
- Drilling operations on the north side are underway
- Construction of a work site pad, and bridge caisson drilling, continue.
Bowesville Road Rail Bridge
- Bridge deck rebar work is ongoing.
- The bridge deck concrete pour is expected in late October.
Bowesville Station
- Ground improvement work continues between Earl Armstrong Road and Bowesville Road in preparation for station construction.
- The construction of the embankment for station platforms is ongoing.
- Station pile driving is ongoing.
Earl Armstrong Rail Bridge
- North and south abutments are completed.
- Overnight girder installation is now planned to occur in late October.
- Overhead utility work is complete
Pictured above: Crews completed the north pier cap in preparation for the upcoming girder installation for the new Earl Armstrong Rail Bridge.
Limebank Elevated Guideway
- 8 of 10 caissons are complete.
- 4 of 10 columns are complete.
- Pier cap work is ongoing.
- Ground improvement work continues.
Pictured above: Crews are constructing “Dance Floors” at the Limebank Elevated Guideway. Dance floors allow for platform formwork to take place when constructing the superstructure of each column.
Communications and Stakeholder Relations
All City of Ottawa in-person public meetings are cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Rail Construction Program is using other means and methods for sharing information with the public. Stakeholders can stay up to date on the Stage 2 LRT project by visiting ottawa.ca/Stage2, where you can view the following:
- Stage 2 LRT interactive map
- Stage 2 LRT newsletter
- Station descriptions and renderings
- Factsheets and other helpful resources
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