01 Aug River Ward E-Newsletter, August 1, 2023 | Bulletin électronique du Quartier Rivière, 1 Aôut, 2023
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Dear friends and neighbours of River Ward,
Happy August!
I hope you are enjoying the summer. Here we are already in August, time flies!
Although City Council has been on hiatus for the last few weeks, the River Ward office is still a beehive of activity.
During the 2022 election, you spoke to me loud and clear about your main concerns about road safety for all road users and specific areas that need additional care and investment for traffic calming. I created a long list and for months, have been working with the City on various calming measures, while reviewing the list of streets you identified for me. Later this summer, expect to see new traffic calming measures on Anna, Arnott, Colman, Cromwell, Kingston, Kitchener, Laperriere, Lexington, McCarthy, Plante, Revelstoke, Shillington and Whitestone.
Due to the limited budget my office is allocated for traffic calming, many projects are being planned for future years.
I am proud to share with you, that at the last City Council meeting in June, Council supported my motion, unanimously, to designate Merivale Road, from Carling to Kirkwood and Walkley Road, from the Airport Parkway to Otterson/Springland, as Community Safety Zones. These new zones will come with additional signage and will double fines associated with speeding and other reckless offenses.
Approximately 80% of the Carlington community will see their default speed limit on residential streets lowered from 50km to 40km. A number of streets in the north-end of the neighbourhood not included this year, will be transitioned next year.
There are some community events in the ward this month that I wish to highlight for your attention. GreekFest will be back again over two separate weekends mid-month (11-13, 15, 18-20). The Madonna Della Risurrezione Parish plans a return of their annual festival – this year it will be held August 12 & 13. Over in Carlington, on August 12, the annual Raven Park Community Festival will be a day long event, with activities around the pool in the afternoon, a community bbq at dinner time, followed by a presentation of Hamlet, by A Company of Fools. Attend and support these events that help make our community a great place to call home.
Sincerely yours,