19 Jan Airport Parkway Pedestrian Bridge and Pathways Safety Audit
As a result of a number of residents who have contacted me to discuss various safety-related matters regarding the pathways leading to and from the new pedestrian bridge spanning the Airport Parkway, I convened a meeting with reps from of all relevant City departments, as well as Councillor Diane Deans whose ward includes the South Keys transit station, to discuss ways to resolve the issues. As a result of the discussion, City staff have agreed to lead two safety audits of the site, one this winter, and another in the spring, whereby members of the public are encouraged to attend to identify any safety-related concerns that need to be addressed.
The date for the first audit has been set for Tuesday, February 3rd at 7pm. Please contact my office at 613-580-2486 if you would like to participate.
If you are unable to attend the audit in person, I would encourage you to send me your comments/concerns at Riley.Brockington@Ottawa.ca.
The community flyer that was distributed is attached below for your benefit in both official languages.