05 May City of Ottawa Begins Minimum Parking Requirements Review
I would like to advise you that Planning and Growth Management will be starting consultations on the Minimum Parking Requirements Review as of Monday May 4.
This review will implement direction from the Official Plan, which calls for the minimum parking requirements in the Zoning By-law to be reduced or eliminated in certain parts of the city, notably near rapid-transit stations and in the inner urban wards. Ottawa’s parking minimums have not been comprehensively reviewed in decades and, in key areas, the parking requirements are the same under today’s zoning as they were in 1964. This review is necessary to support the broader goals of the Official Plan, including transit- and pedestrian-friendly development in the city.
The study area is centered on wards 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17, but extends to parts of all wards except wards 5, 6, 20 and 21.
As of May 4, stakeholders will be able to access the project website at ottawa.ca/minimumparking (ottawa.ca/stationnementminimum in French.) A public open house is planned for the fall of 2015, and city officials expect to bring a zoning amendment to Council for consideration in Q2 2016.
In the meantime, the project website includes a short discussion paper that talks about the pros, cons and consequences of the City’s parking requirements, as well as some of the possible changes under consideration. It is a good introduction to the issue of parking requirements, what changes are being considered, and why.
I would encourage interested residents to review the project website and attend the open house this fall. Once the date is announced, I will be sure to let residents know.