04 May OPH Recommendations for Community Gardens/Les recommandations de Santé publique Ottawa pour les jardins communautaires
Following motions from the Ottawa Board of Health at its meeting of April 20, 2020 and Ottawa City Council at its meeting of April 22, 2020, Ottawa Public Health has developed web-based guidance for local community gardens.
Ottawa Public Health has supported our local partner, Just Food, in order to deliver two webinars for community garden coordinators to share new COIVD-19 requirements to operate gardens safely. Ottawa Public Health continues to work with Just Food to develop signage that will be placed at each community garden.
Ottawa Public Health continues to work with various City partners, including EOC, RCFS, PIED, CSSD and legal, to coordinate the safe operation of community gardens on City properties.
Ottawa Public Health wishes to again note its appreciation to the Government of Ontario for its consideration and quick action in amending the current Emergency Orders to permit the use of outdoor allotment gardens and community gardens across the province.
It includes:
- English:
- Recommendations for Allotment and Community Garden Coordinators to Reduce the Spread of COVID-19
- Recommendations for Gardeners at Community Gardens to prevent the spread of COVID-19
- https://www.ottawapublichealth.ca/en/professionals-and-partners/covid-19-resources.aspx
- Francais:
- Recommandations pour les coordonnateurs et les coordonnatrices des jardins familiaux et communautaires afin de réduire la propagation de la COVID-19 ; et,
- Recommandations pour les jardiniers dans les jardins communautaires afin de prévenir la propagation de la COVID-19.
- https://www.santepubliqueottawa.ca/fr/professionals-and-partners/covid-19-resources.aspx
Further Update (May 6, 2020)
In addition to the above information, the following update was provided by Community and Social Services regarding the gradual reopening of the community gardens.
- On April 25, 2020, allotment or community gardens were added to the list of essential services that can operate during the emergency measures set out for COVID-19.
- The amendment to O. Reg. 104/20 now requires that: “Any person who uses allotment gardens or community gardens shall do so in compliance with the advice, recommendations and instructions of public health officials, including any advice, recommendations or instructions on physical distancing, cleaning or disinfecting.”
- Community gardens in Ottawa are now slowly re-opening.
- Please follow the rules and regulations regarding the use of community gardens.
- Visit Ottawa Public Health for recommendations on how gardeners can prevent the spread of COVID-19.
- Each garden will have schedules created by its coordinator(s) and approved by Just Food. The schedules are to ensure proper physical distancing. Please limit your work in the garden to your scheduled days and times.
- Where there is water access on-site, water will be available by mid-May.