Residents are invited to a Public Information Session to learn more about the City’s update to the Official Plan (OP) and Transportation Master Plan (TMP). The session will take place on Wednesday, February 12 at 7:00pm in the Kathy Ablett Room at the Hunt Club...
I am pleased to invite you to attend the unveiling of the Kathy Ablett Room in the Hunt Club Riverside Park Community Centre on Thursday February 13 at 5:30pm. This will be a great day with members of the Ottawa Catholic School Board, staff and Trustees, local...
River Ward residents are invited to attend an information session on the Stage 2 LRT project on Thursday, February 13 at 6:30pm at Jim Durrell Arena, 1265 Walkley Road. The intent of the meeting is to share information on the Stage 2 LRT and specifically...
Monday, March 9, 2020: The Hunt Club Community Association’s Environment Committee is hosting a presentation from the City of Ottawa’s Climate Change and Resiliency Team and the Urban Forest Management Team at 7pm at the Hunt Club Riverside Park Community Centre. 3320 Paul Anka Drive...