24 Apr Hwy 417 Expansion Ramp Closures
The Ontario Ministry of Transportation has advised of a number of upcoming highway ramp closures related to the widening of the 417 (Queensway.) Please note that the dates marked with an asterix (*) are still tentative and could change, depending on construction progress. I would recommend following me on Twitter at @RiverWardRiley as I will use social media to relay ramp closures dates as the information is finalized and closures are approaching.
Here are the pending closures for the next few months:
Carling Westbound Off-Ramp Closure – The Carling Westbound off-ramp closed April 23 for a period of 4 weeks. *Due to issues with soil conditions, the closure will extend to approximately May 31, 2019.
Maitland Eastbound On and Off-Ramps – The Maitland Avenue Eastbound on and off-ramps will be closed for a period of 2 weeks. This is currently scheduled for May 13*, 2019.

Maitland Westbound Off-Ramp – The Maitland Avenue Westbound off-ramp will be closed for a period of 1 week to facilitate the widening of Highway 417. The contractor anticipates this work being completed some time in June and will provide an exact date in the coming weeks.
Highway 417 Full Closure – Highway 417 will be fully closed for a period of 17 hours currently scheduled on the weekend of August 10*, 2019. This is required to facilitate the rehabilitation of the Merivale Road structure. Highway 417 traffic will use the approved City detour during this event.
Carling Eastbound On-Ramp Closure – The Carling Eastbound on-ramp will be closed for a period of 7 weeks to accommodate the widening of Highway 417 and the rehabilitation of the Merivale Road structure. This is currently scheduled for August 15*, 2019.