Merivale Road (North) Community Design Plan

Merivale Road (North) Community Design Plan

Over the past several months the City of Ottawa has been developing the Merivale Road (North) Community Design Plan. After multiple public meetings and significant feedback received from local residents, business owners, and the Carlington Community Association, City staff have released a draft copy for review.

This is to notify that a full draft of the CDP along with other information regarding the study process is available for review and comments on the project webpage at:

Please provide any comments that you may have to the project lead (noted below) by email or by telephone on or before March 19, 2018

Your comments will help inform preparation of the final draft of the CDP and related zoning by-law amendments to be presented for approval this spring to Planning Committee and Council.

Please submit all comments to the lead planner on the file. Contact information noted below.

Chris Brouwer, MCIP, RPP
Senior Planner / Urbaniste principal
Community Planning / Planification communautaire

110, avenue Laurier Avenue West / Ouest
(613) 580-2424 ext. / poste 27813