12 Jul Notice of Public Open House for proposed development at 1110 Fisher Avenue
Dear Neighbours,
The intent of this notice is to provide you with an update on a revised development submission for the property at 1110 Fisher Avenue, located on the west side of Fisher Avenue, south of Trent Street in Carlington.

As you may be aware, in January 2016, City Council approved a development application to build nine, 4-storey semi-detached and townhouse units, with an associated private driveway off Fisher Avenue.
After some time passed, the owner of the property reconsidered his original approved development plan. A renewed development plan was brought to my attention last spring which proposed the construction of a 5-storey apartment building with 36 residential apartment units. The owner and his development team never officially proceeded with a development application for the proposed plan.
Subsequently, I met with the owner and his development team again in June 2019 and was advised that they have submitted to the City of Ottawa a Zoning By-Law Amendment application to permit a mid-rise, 9-storey apartment building. The building is proposed to contain 62 residential units, and 3 levels underground parking with 65 parking spaces. The Zoning By-Law Amendment is to change the current zoning designation from R3 to R5 which would allow the requested height of 32 metres.
I have serious reservations with this application and I want to hear from you.
Residents are invited to attend a public meeting on Thursday, July 25 at 7pm (doors will open at 6:45pm) at the Alexander Community Centre, 960 Silver Street.
If you are unable to attend the public meeting, feel free to send any comments, questions, or concerns on the proposal via email at Riley.Brockington@Ottawa.ca. To review all associated reports and applications for the proposed development, please visit www.ottawa.ca/devapps.
I hope you to see you at the public meeting.
Riley Brockington
City Councillor, River Ward