20 Feb Notice of Public Open House – Park Concept at 3071 Riverside Drive
Residents are invited to attend a community open house to view the proposed plans for a new park on part of 3071 Riverside Drive, on the south side of the Canoe Bay development project.
Date: Monday, February 25
Time: Doors open at 6:30pm with a brief presentation by the Park Planner at approximately 7:00pm
Location: Riverside Churches, 3191 Riverside Drive – Main Sanctuary
The concept plan below has been prepared to illustrate the new park situated on part of 3071 Riverside Drive. The park will have an area of 0.6 hectares (1.5 acres). Proposed park features include an accessible asphalt pathway extending from Riverside Drive to Springland Drive, a double pickleball court, an accessible play structure for children from 18 months to 12 years of age, swings, an overhead climbing structure, a sand play area, a gazebo, seating areas, an open play area and landscape planting.
Residents are invited to provide comments on the proposed concept plan, as shown below.
Concept Plan [PDF-3.95mb]PDF opens in a new tab or window
Please note that the proposed concept plan was developed taking into consideration the online survey results.
Please share any comments regarding the proposed concept plan to myself at Riley.Brockington@Ottawa.ca and the Parks Planner listed below.
Burl Walker, MCIP, RPP
Parks and Facilities Planning
Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services
City of Ottawa
613-580-2424, extension 27891
*Originally posted on February 1, 2019