29 Oct O-Train Bayview Platform and Trillium Line Scheduled Maintenance
The purpose of this memo is to inform you of upcoming construction work associated with the Confederation Line and scheduled maintenance work that will impact the O-Train’s Trillium Line.
Bayview Station Platform Relocation
In order to accommodate the construction of the Confederation Line’s future Bayview Station, last week the Rideau Transit Group began work to shift the Trillium Line platform at Bayview Station south by approximately 33 meters. This work is anticipated to be complete by early December 2015. The platform will be in use until the new integrated station, encompassing both the Confederation Line and the Trillium Line, opens in 2018.
The work to move the platform will take place overnight, outside of the Trillium Line’s operating hours and customers will continue to access the trains and bus connections using the same pathways. As such, the impact to our customers during construction is expected to be minimal.
Trillium Line Scheduled Maintenance Work
On Saturday, November 21 and Sunday, November 22, 2015, O-Train service on the Trillium Line will be temporarily replaced by Route 107 bus service in order to facilitate planned maintenance activity before the winter months. While the majority of Trillium Line maintenance activity takes place overnight outside of regular operating hours, certain work using specialized rail equipment must take place over a longer period of time. The work being conducted over the weekend includes the replacement of cabling and the refurbishment of a rail switch where the O-Train enters and exits the Trillium Line from Walkley Yard.
Bus Route 107 provides service parallel to the Trillium Line and operates approximately every 15 minutes on Saturday and Sunday. Details regarding this service adjustment will be communicated to our customers, with more information available at octranspo.com, on the O-Train vehicles and at station platforms. In addition to Route 107, there may be other bus route options that work better for some customers. Customers can call 613-741-4390, visit octranspo.com, or octranspo.mobi for travel planning assistance. Schedules are available by calling 613-560-1000 or texting 560560 (plus the bus stop number).