05 Sep Public Meeting – Zoning Bylaw Amendment Review for New Civic Hospital Site
Ottawa Civic Hospital Zoning Meeting
The City of Ottawa Planning Department is hosting a public meeting to discuss the Official Plan and Zoning Amendment Proposals for the new Ottawa Civic Hospital location at 930 Carling Avenue and 520 Preston Street. The public meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 25 at the Alexander Community Centre, 960 Silver Street. An Open House will begin at 6:30pm with a presentation and Q&A to follow. All residents interested in learning more about the land use amendment are invited to attend the public meeting. In June, I hosted a public information session with residents who were briefed on the latest developments from senior management at the hospital.
Residents are able to view all associated documents with zoning amendment application by visiting www.ottawa.ca/devapps and searching for 930 Carling or 520 Preston in the file search tool.