01 Dec River Ward E-Newsletter, December 1, 2022 | Bulletin électronique de Quartier Rivière, 1 Decembre 2022
Dear friends and neighbours of River Ward, On November 15, the newly elected City Council was sworn in to office to serve the people of Ottawa over the next four years. I am very hopeful that this Council will work collaboratively, professionally and focused on the main priorities of Ottawa residents. December is always a busy month with Hanukkah (December 18-26), Christmas (December 25) and Kwanzaa (December 26-January 1). I wish you and your family a safe and enjoyable month and hope you get some time to relax and focus on some of the festive opportunities coming up. Please join me on December 22, for a community dinner I am hosting at the Hunt Club Riverside Park Community Centre at 5pm. Contact my office to reserve your seat. On December 14, City Council will determine all Committee appointments, including Chair positions and Committees will start up in January 2023. The City budget for 2023 will also take centre stage in the new year. I continue to collate and review all comments received during the election campaign and am already developing plans to address more substantive issues as part of the Budget process. I look forward to a great year ahead and working with you and other River Ward residents to make our ward an even better place to call home. I would also like to inform you of the River Ward team that serve you: Courtney McRury (Office Manager), Andrew Sutton (Ward Relations – east of the river) and Mary Young (Ward Relations – west of the river). Stay safe, Stay well Riley Brockington |
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