10 Sep Update: Measles outbreak in Ottawa
Ottawa – Ottawa Public Health (OPH) in collaboration with Leeds, Grenville and Lanark Health Unit and Public Health Ontario have determined through further laboratory analysis that one of the three previously-identified cases is negative for measles. This is welcome news in our evolving investigation of the measles outbreak as it reduces the locations where measles exposure may have occurred. We will continue to work closely with partners in protecting the community from further spread of this very contagious disease and will provide public updates as required.
We are pleased to report that the following locations previously identified in our Public Service Announcement issued September 3, 2016 are no longer considered sites where exposure to measles may have occurred:
- Carleton Place Hospital, 211 Lake Ave E, Carleton Place
- Carlingwood Shopping Centre, 2121 Carling Ave, Ottawa
- Kanata Superstore, 760 Eagleson Road, Kanata
- The Lone Star Restaurant, 4048 Carling Ave, Kanata
The risk of contracting measles in Ottawa is low for those who have been vaccinated; however, given that measles is highly contagious, it is very important that you ensure your and your loved ones’ measles immunizations are up-to-date. Please remember to report to Ottawa Public Health every time your child is vaccinated.
For more information about about measles and immunizations, please visit OttawaPublicHealth.ca or call the Ottawa Public Health Information Line at 613-580-6744 (TTY: 613-580-9656). You can also connect with us through Facebook and Twitter.