16 Jun 2017 Civic Events Funding Program Update
New This Year! The event does not need to be held on a statutory holiday. Your community event can now be celebrated anytime during 2017.
Local not-for-profit organizations such as community groups and recreation associations are invited to apply for funding to provide one-to-two-day community events with free admission that foster civic pride and develop community cohesion. These events are held in a specific geographic district in Ottawa, and encompass a broad range of activities and family entertainment.
New In 2017
The City of Ottawa and the Ottawa 2017 Bureau are collaborating on the Civic Events Funding Program. As in previous years, the $50,000 from the Civic Events Funding Program will continue to fund community focused events. The additional investment of $150,000 will specifically focus on community events that celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday.
This information is being communicated through ottawa.ca, Ottawa 2017 Bureau, and via Twitter and Facebook.
Deadline: Thursday, September 15, 2016 at 4 p.m.
Information Package and Application Forms are available at ottawa.ca or at any Ottawa Client Service Centre. For more information, contact 613-580-2424 ext.14133 or rec-info@ottawa.ca