01 Feb River Ward E-Newsletter, February 1, 2025 | Bulletin électronique du Quartier Rivière, 1 février 2025
Although February is the shortest month of the year, it is packed with many activities to keep us busy.
Winterlude started yesterday (January 31) and will run this weekend and the following two weekends this month. There is so much to do, spread out across Ottawa and Gatineau. Please visit Winterlude 2025 – Canada.ca for all the Winterlude information, locations and schedule.
February is also a celebration of Black History Month. This year’s theme for Black History Month is: “Black Legacy and Leadership: Celebrating Canadian History and Uplifting Future Generations.” For an outline of local events this month, please visit blackhistoryottawa.org.
In River Ward, I bring to your attention a few important events: Special Announcement at the Alexander Community Centre with Mayor Sutcliffe (February 5, 4pm), Family Movie Night at the Alexander Community Centre (February 7, 6pm doors open, movie at 6:30pm), Viscount, Harrold & Veteran Water Infrastructure Renewal Public Meeting #2 at the Alexander Community Centre (February 11, 7pm presentation).
Many of you have written to thank me for my interventions during the 2025 Budget debate that received some media attention about my continued pressure and focus on OC Transpo bus reliability. I made it a point to engage the City Manager and have her confirm that improving bus reliability is a priority for us in Ottawa. Despite her assurance, I see little concrete investment in the Budget to make inroads on reliability. You consistently confirm that bus reliability remains a top priority – I will keep pushing this at every meeting until the metrics and your feedback indicate that the problem has been addressed. With the Trillium Line opening last month and multiple changes to bus routes to be implemented as of April 1, 2025, there is an expectation that reliability should improve by this spring. Also, investments in mechanics and bus operators in 2024 should also bring greater stability.
Every Friday I work at the Ward Office in the Hunt Club Riverside Park Community Centre. You are most welcome to pop in and say hello. If you have business to discuss, you are encouraged to make an appointment and reserve some time.
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