15 Apr 2nd Dose Vaccination Appointment Information
Vaccine appointments scheduled via Ottawa Public Health:
Residents are asked to not call OPH at this time to try to book a second appointment as we do not have these available to book at this time and the phone lines are experiencing very high call volumes. We can appreciate that residents are eager to book their second dose appointments however second dose appointments will not be starting until June.
As per provincial guidelines, currently Ottawa Public Health is only booking second doses for First Nations, Inuit and Métis community members. Other residents are asked to not call OPH at this time to try to book a second appointment as we do not have these available and the phone lines are experiencing very high call volumes. We can appreciate that residents are eager to book their second dose appointments however second dose appointments will not be starting until June.
When second dose appointments are available to be booked, the City will undertake a broad communications plan to advise the public through PSAs, City of Ottawa’s COVID-19 Vaccine e-subscription, City and OPH website updates, social media as well as other news media sources, similar to the communications done to advise when residents are eligible for their first appointment. We encourage residents to sign up for the e-newsletter to ensure they receive updates, or if they are not online to please ask a family member, neighbour or friend to sign up and let them know when second dose appointments can be booked.
Vaccine appointment scheduled via provincial booking system:
Individuals who use the provincial booking system are asked to schedule their first and second doses when they make appointments.
Did you receive one dose outside of the province?:
If you are eligible for vaccination in Ontario and already got one dose outside of the province, call the Provincial Vaccine Booking Line at 1-833-943-3900 (TTY 1-866-797-0007) to schedule your second dose. You cannot book an individual dose online.
You will need to provide information about your first dose (for example, what vaccine you got, where and when you got it).