18 Nov 417 – Carling Eastbound On-Ramp Update
November 26, 2019 – UPDATE: As of 5am this morning, the Carling Eastbound on-ramp was opened to traffic.
November 22 , 2019 UPDATE: The Ministry of Transportation had initially hoped to open the Carling Eastbound onramp this weekend but unfortunately it would not be able to occur as planned.
The work at the Merivale Bridge is now complete and paving of the bridge deck was completed Thursday, November 21. Unfortunately, the cold temperatures forecasted overnights prevented the removal and placement of new pavement markings which are required for the new traffic configuration to be in place this winter.
November 18, 2019 – The following update was received today from the Ontario Ministry of Transportation about the reopening of the Carling Eastbound On-ramp of the 417:
“The Ministry is currently anticipating an opening date of Sunday November 24th for the Carling Avenue Eastbound on-ramp. That being said, there are still weather/temperature sensitive operations that could impact this opening date. The work at the Merivale structure is nearly complete, but the eastbound lanes on Highway 417 still need to be reconfigured to winter shutdown, similar to what is currently in place in the westbound lanes. This involves the removal of existing pavement markings and the relocation and placement of new pavement markings throughout the construction limits. Inclement weather could delay these operations and in turn, delay the opening of the ramp.”
We anticipate an update from the MTO on Friday regarding their anticipated opening date.