Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Jim Durrell Recreation Centre – Ellwood Hall
1265 Walkley Road
6 to 8:30 p.m. (presentation at 7 p.m.)
OC Transpo routes 1, 8, 41, 87, 114, 144 and 146.
Free parking is available
The City of Ottawa is undertaking the Airport Parkway and Lester Road Widening Environmental Assessment (EA) Study to determine the most appropriate means to accommodate and manage increasing transportation requirements related to growth in the surrounding communities and airport lands.
This second Open House will provide an overview of the study progress to date including:
Your participation in Open House meetings is an important component of the study where you can discuss the project with the study team and provide feedback. The open house information will also be available on the website.
This EA study is being undertaken in accordance with Ontario’s EA Act, fulfilling requirements as a Municipal Class EA process for a Schedule ‘C’ project. The EA process will involve developing, assessing, and evaluating alternatives, which will result in a Recommended Plan which will be presented to City Council for approval.
Interested persons can provide comments throughout the EA process. Any comments received will be collected under the Environmental Assessment Act and, with the exception of personal information, will become part of the public record.
Accessibility is an important consideration for the City of Ottawa. If you require special accommodation, please call or e-mail the project lead below before the event.
For further information or to provide comments, please contact:
Colin Simpson, MCIP, RPP
Senior Project Manager, Transportation Planning
City of Ottawa
110 Laurier Avenue West, 4th Floor
Ottawa ON K1P 1J1
613-580-2424 ext. 27881
Fax: 613-580-2578
More information can be found on the city’s website at :