3930 – 3960 Riverside Dr (St Mary’s Development)
February 15 | 7:00 pm
Virtual Meeting
The City of Ottawa has received the applicants submission for a functional design in respect of their project located at Riverside Dr and Hunt Club. The development will comprise a total of 700 units (600 apartment units across 4 towers and a combination of 100 townhomes / single homes). The development will comprise a number of area improvements including traffic calming, MUP extensions and parkland improvements. Construction of the project will be done in phases, with the goal of beginning in 2024.
I am hosting a virtual public consultation in partnership with the developer and the city planner, with respect to this project.
Time: 7:00 pm
Rregistration: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUsc-6vqT0oEtd_6q_5vTvk-hBZM_bCP73B