04 Mar Be ready to register for City recreation and cultural programs. Try this simple test
Ottawa – Registration opens next week for the City’s spring and summer recreation and cultural programs. Our registration system and software has been updated since the last registration period and we encourage you to try it before the busy opening nights of registration.
To avoid disappointment, the City recommends performing a simple test. Visit ottawa.ca/recreationguide before March 7 and select the green Register button. If the registration page appears, your test is successful and your registration can be processed on registration night.
If you are not successful in reaching the registration page, try a different device or internet service provider if these are available to you. If you continue to experience difficulty, we suggest that you register by phone at 613-580-2588 when registration opens.
Please remember that this is a busy time and that you can expect phone lines and internet to be busy when the registration period first opens. Thank you for your patience.
Registration for aquatics programs will open Monday, March 7 at 9 p.m. All other programs will be open for registration Wednesday, March 9 at 9 p.m.
Remember, to register online or by phone, you will require a client barcode and family PIN numbers.