11 Apr Bike To Transit Project Survey in South Keys and Greenboro
The City of Ottawa is currently working on a project to inform residents of new, comfortable cycling facilities that connect their neighbourhood to a Park and Ride Station and to help residents understand how they might consider using these new facilities to bike from their home to their neighbourhood Park and Ride Station.
The project focuses on three Park and Ride Stations in three neighbourhoods across the City with new and comfortable cycling facilities. Locally the South Keys Station/Greenboro Station (Gloucester Southgate/River) will part of the project.
The project will include a survey this spring to find out if residents currently bike to transit or are interested in giving cycling to transit a try. Following the survey, the project includes focused education and outreach to provide information and support for residents interested in learning more about biking to transit. The project concludes with a subsequent survey to measure and changes in awareness and mode share as a result of the project.
The survey is now live on Ottawa.ca, with a description of the project:
Here is the link for the survey on Greenboro Station and South Keys Station :