
I am happy to share with you the City's new quarterly newsletter  for the Confederation Line. In addition to a general project overview and some interesting Confederation Line facts, the newsletter includes information on project milestones as well as upcoming activities for the quarter. I would...

Sewer Lining Program (West) – Hartman Crescent Contract No. ISD13-3007 CONSTRUCTION COMMENCEMENT NOTICE January 2015 Beginning on January 5th, 2015 the City will begin rehabilitating sewers in your neighborhood. Please note that the City is rehabilitating the sewers on Hartman Crescent using the Cured-In-Place Pipe (CIPP)...

Public information meetings are scheduled for Jan 13, 2015 from 6 –8pm at the Jim Durrell Recreation Centre and Jan 15, 2015, 6- 8pm at the St. Anthony’s Banquet Hall. The purpose of these meetings is to present and receive feedback on the draft evaluation...

Airport Parkway Widening Open House The first public information meeting for the Airport Parkway and Lester Road Widening, as part of the Environmental Assessment is scheduled for Jan 27, 2015 from 6-8pm at the Jim Durrell Recreation Centre.  In total, there will be 3 public...

A system upgrade will be rolled out by Presto between Thursday night, January 15, 2015, and Sunday night, January 18, 2015. The upgrade will apply to all transit agencies and will enable the system to be ready for field trials for the launch of the...

Ottawa – The City of Ottawa is pleased to announce that free transit service will again be available to residents on New Year’s Eve after 8 p.m. This city-wide service is provided through a partnership between MADD Ottawa, the City’s Safer Roads Ottawa program and...

The O-Train Trillium Line expansion project is nearing completion with the testing, commissioning and final construction work underway. O-Train users will see significant benefits from the expansion which will increase the capacity and frequency of train service through the expanded Trillium Line. A new Centralized...

Ottawa - OC Transpo is the safe and reliable way to go during the holidays and will once again offer free service after 8 p.m. on New Year’s Eve. A reduced weekday service will be in effect on December 31 so customers are encouraged to...

ServiceOttawa, the City’s online service tool, has officially launched their most recent upgrade and residents are now able to view, print and pay property taxes and water bills online through an individualized account. Through a My ServiceOttawa account, residents and businesses can now: view their...

The Carleton Heights and Area Residents Association (CHARA) will be holding their February Frolic, 12pm-3pm at the Carleton Heights Community Centre. Come out and meet your neighbours while enjoying free hot chocolate, winter treats, skating, outdoor fun and an indoor trade show. Local businesses are...