25 Oct City of Ottawa looking for input on future of retail cannabis stores in Ottawa
Survey will provide input on the future of retail cannabis stores in Ottawa
Ottawa – Ottawa residents are invited to complete a survey, available on ottawa.ca beginning today, to express their views on whether cannabis retail stores should be allowed in Ottawa.
Residents have from October 25 until November 7 to complete the survey. Paper copies are also available at the City’s Client Service Centres.
The Province of Ontario has created a framework to permit retail cannabis stores to operate in Ontario beginning April 1, 2019. This is in addition to online sales of cannabis through the Ontario Cannabis Store.
Municipalities in Ontario have until January 22, 2019 to decide whether to allow cannabis retail stores to operate within their boundaries.
The results of these online and paper surveys will help inform City Council in its consideration of whether to allow cannabis retail stores to operate in Ottawa.
For more information on the impacts of cannabis legalization in Ottawa, please visit ottawa.ca and OttawaPublicHealth.ca.
For information on the legal framework for recreational cannabis, please visit the Government of Canada and the Province of Ontario.