26 Feb Enhanced O-Train Trillium Line trains set to begin service
Starting Monday, March 2, the public will be able to take advantage of more comfortable, convenient and reliable O-Train Trillium Line service with the completion of the expansion project, which includes the introduction of six new Alstom Coradia Lint trains.
The new service will operate four trains at one time, allowing more frequent service.
- Monday to Friday service will start at 6 a.m.;
- Saturday service will start at 6:30 a.m.; and
- Sunday service will start at 7:30 a.m. .
With the expanded service, the signals and operations will be adjusted further. The service frequency will gradually increase and travel time will be reduced — when trains will run approximately every 8 to10 minutes. On weekends, Saturday service will run every 10-12 minutes and Sundays every 10-15min.
Temporary Shutdown February 28 to March 1
In order to implement the new services, the O-Train Trillium Line service will be temporarily replaced by bus Route 107 from February 28 to March 1, 2015, to complete final system switchover work and prepare for the new trains.
Route 107 buses will travel parallel to the Trillium Line routing between Bayview and South Keys stations, with limited stops along the way. Service will operate approximately every 15 minutes on Saturday and every 15 to 30 minutes on Sunday.
In addition to Route 107, there may be other bus route options that work better for some customers. For schedules and travel planning assistance, visit octranspo.com or call 613-741-4390.
For more information and the O-Train Schedule starting March 2nd, 2015, please click HERE.
Our new fleet of Alstom Coradia Lint Trains
- Six vehicles
- High-efficiency, diesel engines
- Quiet and more fuel efficient that previous trains
- Lower greenhouse gas emissions
- Lower operating costs
- Fully-accessible cars
- Bigger windows
- Smoother, more comfortable ride
- Room for 260 passengers
Higher capacity
- New passing tracks near Gladstone and Brookfield will allow 4 vehicles to run at once
- Each vehicle can carry up to 260 passengers
- Upgraded train controls, signal systems, stations, tracks and train yard
- New Centralized Traffic Control system
- Passenger information systems
- Security cameras
- Passenger counters
More reliable service
- Fewer disruptions in service
- Lower maintenance costs
- Fully accessible car on each train: board at the south end of the platform
Look for the blue and white International Symbol of Access on the train door and platform!