May 7 – Friends of the Farm Flowering Tree Tour at 2pm Bldg 72. Flowering Trees in the Arboretum, explore this urban gem with tour leaders, free and open to the public, register at, donations kindly accepted
Public Information Session May 15, 2017 – 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Carlington Recreation Centre (Gymnasium) - 1520 Caldwell Ave Residents are invited to a public information session to review the plans and learn more about the Carlington Pump Station upgrades. The main objective of the...
Veterans Showcase: In the Tradition of Service On 18 May, at 1900 hours at the Bronson Centre (211 Bronson Avenue, Ottawa). There will be a concert to raise funds for the APPLE (A Post-Psychiatric Leisure Experience) Drop-In Centre that provides support and recreation for people...