3071 Riverside Drive Public Meeting Residents are invited to attend a second public meeting to review the plan of subdivision and zoning amendment application for the property at 3071 Riverside Drive, formerly occupied by Bayview Public School. The objective of the meeting is for residents...
Norberry Crescent Development Public Meeting I have recently met with representatives of the Norberry Apartments, along with the RPCRA President and Vice President, about their expansion plans. I am hosting a public meeting for residents on Thursday, November 9 in the main sanctuary of the...
The Riverside United Church Bazaar will be Saturday November 18 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Crafts, quilts, knitting, jewelry, gourmet items, baking, attic treasures, books, lunch, and more. All except books are fully accessible.
November 18, 2017—St. Elias Pre-Order Bake Sale and Luncheon. 10:30am-1:30pm, at the St. Elias Centre at 750 Ridgewood Ave . Hosted by the St. Elias Cathedral Antiochian Women. The food is traditional Lebanese food, hand made by the Antiochian Women’s Organization of St. Elias Cathedral....