Past Events from January 20, 2018 – February 25, 2018 – Page 21 – Riley Brockington, City Councillor (River Ward)

Rooming House Licensing By-law Review Update & Consultation

McNabb Community Centre 180 Percy St, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

In 2008, Schedule 26 to the Licensing By-law 2002-189 relating to rooming houses was harmonized to apply City-wide, and included definitions of “residential use building”, “rooming house”, “rooming house, converted”, “rooming house owner”, and “rooming unit”. A couple of issues with respect to rooming house...

Hearts4Caribbean Fundraiser

Riverside Churches 3191 Riverside Drive, Ottawa, ON, Canada

When:  Friday, February 23 Time:   5-11pm Where: Riverside United Church, 3191 Riverside Dr. Cost:     $5.00 The event will include a family friendly movie.Food will be available for $5.00 a plate and there will also be a silent auction. The Hearts4Caribbean fundraiser is...

Young Adult Summit

More information to come!  Save the date! 9am to noon Brookfield High School  Email for more information.

RCMP Musical Ride Fundraiser and Open House

The RCMP Musical Ride is opening its doors to the public on Saturday, February 24 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. to raise food and funds for the Ottawa Food Bank.