Monday, March 9, 2020: The Hunt Club Community Association’s Environment Committee is hosting a presentation from the City of Ottawa’s Climate Change and Resiliency Team and the Urban Forest Management Team at 7pm at the Hunt Club Riverside Park Community Centre. 3320 Paul Anka Drive...
Friday, April 03, 2020 there will be a Facebook Live event at 7pm in Arabic titled "Covid-19: What You Need to Know" put on by Ottawa-local health professionals. Below is a link to the event and posters with more information are attached. Please share this to your Arabic speaking...
Join the virtual town hall on COVID-19 in Ottawa Ottawa – The City of Ottawa is holding a virtual town hall on COVID-19 in Ottawa on Thursday, April 9 at 2 pm. All residents are invited to join us for an update on urgent community issues...
This event will be rescheduled, due to the COVID-19 physical distancing requirements.
This date is tentative, pending the removal of physical distancing restrictions during the COVID-19 emergency. The event will be held sometime in 2020, once the all clear is received.
To register for this online meeting, please send an email to