31 Jan Forestry Services working in Hunt Club-Quinterra-Revelstoke
Forestry Services will be commencing the Neighborhood Operational Work plan (NOW Program) within the Hunt Club- Quinterra- Revelstoke neighborhood, which consist of maintenance activities on City trees both on the City’s right of ways and in the parks.
The pruning notifications will be delivered in stages to the affected residents by means of flyers prior to our forestry crews attending. They will be starting the work approximately the week of January 29, 2018 and anticipate 8-10 weeks to complete the pruning program for the Hunt Club-Quinterra-Revelstoke neighborhood.
In saying this, based on operational needs, weather events and emergencies the projected timelines will be revisited and adjusted accordingly.
If you require more information, please do not hesitate to contact my office at 613-580-2486 or by email at Riley.Brockington@Ottawa.ca.