21 Mar Geoff Wightman Park Renewal
The City of Ottawa will be undertaking the renewal of Geoff Wightman Park. The park components have exceeded their lifecycle and will be replaced in 2017.
Thank you to all residents who came out to the public meeting I hosted on Monday, March 21 to discuss the renewal of Geoff Wightman Park. I appreciated the ideas and input shared by area residents at the meeting.
I will be accepting feedback and ideas on park components until Monday, April 10. Please submit any ideas for park components that you may have via email at Riley.Brockington@Ottawa.ca. I would encourage residents to reach out to their neighbours who were unable to make it to the public meeting to share their ideas with me directly.
In the coming weeks after all feedback on park amenities is received, the Park Planner will develop a couple of concept plans based on the input received from local residents for your review and final selection. A subsequent open house will be planned in May for residents to review and provide comments on the final selection of the park amenities. A date and time will be communicated to you in the coming weeks.
As promised at the public meeting, below you will find a link to the images of the presentation from the City park planner. The park planner is Louise Cerveny and she can be reached at Louise.Cerveny@Ottawa.ca or 613-580-2424 x27806.
If there are any other questions that residents may have, please feel free to contact me any time.