01 May Major Infrastructure Project – Carlington Pump Station
Carlington Pump Station – Potable Water Pump Station Design and Construction Project
Monday, May 15th, 2017
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Carlington Recreation Centre (Gymnasium)
1520 Caldwell Ave, Ottawa, ON K1Z 8H5
Dear Resident,
The City of Ottawa invites you to attend a Public Information Session to review a construction project planned in your immediate neighbourhood.
At the Public Information Session starting at 6:30pm, you will be able to review the design plans for the project and a short presentation will be provided at 7:00pm to explain the nature of the construction project and the anticipated impacts during construction. Representatives from the City, City Councillors Riley Brockington (River Ward) and Rick Chiarelli (College Ward), and the design consultant will be available to discuss the project and to answer your questions.
WHERE: The new pump station will be located on the west side of the reservoir, tight against the berm and adjacent to the existing communication tower compound.
WHO: Design consulting firm, Parsons, has been retained by the City of Ottawa to develop preliminary and detailed design drawings and specifications for construction of the new pump station.
WHY: The main objective of the upgrade is to improve the reliability of water supply to roughly one third of the City’s central water distribution system, and to provide additional capacity needed to accommodate future urban growth. The project is identified in the City’s current Infrastructure Master Plan.
WHAT: The new pump station will be constructed adjacent to the existing station. The existing pump station will remain in operation throughout the construction period of the new pump station. Once the new pump station is operational, the existing pump station will be de-decommissioned and demolished. The main components of the new pump station include the following:
- A new building complete with all new mechanical and electrical equipment to provide for the pumping needs of the various areas in the City.
- Backup power supply for emergency use during power outages.
- A new 914mm diameter suction watermain connected directly to the existing 1200mm diameter watermain on the east side of the reservoir.
- Four new discharge watermains connected to existing watermains that supply water to the various water Pressure Zones in the City.
- Demolition of the existing pump station approximately 6 months after the new pump station has been fully commissioned.
WHEN: The current project schedule is as follows:
- Preliminary and detailed design: Fall 2015 – May 2017
- Design assignment completion: June 2017
- Construction start: Fall 2017
- Construction completion: Late Fall 2019
Accessibility is an important consideration for the City of Ottawa. If you require special accommodation at the public open house, please contact the undersigned.
For further information about this project and/or to submit comments, please contact:
City’s Project Manager | Design Consultant Representative |
Jeff de Laat, P.Eng. Senior Engineer, Infrastructure Projects City of Ottawa Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development Department Design and Construction – Branch 2 100 Constellation Drive, 6th Floor West Ottawa, ON K2G 6J8 Tel: 613-580-2424 ext. 21916 Jeff.deLaat@ottawa.ca
André Proulx, P.Eng., M.Eng.
Vice President Parsons 1223 Michael Street, Suite 100
cc: Councillor Riley Brockington, Ward 16 – River
Councillor Rick Chiarelli, Ward 8 – College