23 May Notice of Public Meeting – 1026-1054 Hunt Club Road
Official Plan Amendment, Zoning Bylaw Amendment and Site Plan Control Proposal for a Retirement Home and Hotel at 1026-1054 Hunt Club Road
The City of Ottawa’s Planning Department will be considering a future planning application for a senior’s residence and hotel at 1026-1054 Hunt Club Road. The site is located on the south side of Hunt Club Road west of the Airport Parkway.
Claridge Homes is proposing to redevelop the subject properties as a retirement home / residential care facility and a hotel, to be constructed as separate buildings and in successive phases. The retirement home / residential care facility is proposed to be eight storeys in height and contain approximately 145 units and will be constructed first. The hotel is proposed to be eight storeys in height and contain a similar number of units. Detailed design for the hotel use will be provided as a subsequent phase of the development. The buildings will be served by a combination of surface and underground parking. Access will occur via Hunt Club Road.
You are invited to attend a public information meeting to learn more about the proposed development plan.
Monday, May 29, 2017
Open House at 7p.m. followed by a short presentation and Q&A at 7:30 p.m.
Hunt Club Riverside Park Community Centre – South Gym
3320 Paul Anka Drive
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact my office.