15 Jun OC Summer Service starts June 25, along with new changes and route numbers
OC Transpo summer service starts June 25
Ottawa – Starting Sunday, June 25, OC Transpo will introduce new route numbers for many routes in the south and east areas of the city in preparation for the opening of the O-Train Confederation Line in 2018. Other summer service changes include adjusted schedules and seasonal reductions to reflect the lower demand for service.
Customers should visit octranspo.com and use the travel planner to see if their regular trips are affected.
New route numbers, same route
Fifteen bus routes will be renumbered as part of the transition to the 2018 transit network. These routes will have new numbers, but the routes will remain the same.
Bus routes being renumbered this summer are in the south and east areas of the city:
- Route 1 will be renumbered as Frequent Route 6
- Route 41 will be renumbered as Connexion Route 291
- Routes 121, 123, 124, 126, and 128 will be renumbered as Local Routes 42, 23, 24, 26, and 28 respectively
- Routes 144, 146, 147, 148, and 149 will be renumbered as Local Routes 93, 92, 197, 48, and 49 respectively
- Routes 192, 193, and 194 will be renumbered as Local Routes 47, 31, and 21 respectively
Hurdman Station bus platform opens
Bus service at Hurdman Station will move to the new bus platform, adjacent to the future O-Train Confederation Line platforms. Customers will continue to pay their fares onboard buses until the fare-paid zone at Hurdman is established in 2018.
New service in Barrhaven
New Route 179 will provide peak-period service for the new office and retail locations at CitiGate, west of Strandherd. Current Route 170 will be extended to serve the CitiGate development and to better serve residential areas along Maravista Drive and Kennevale Drive between Cedarview Road and Strandherd Drive. The rush hour trips to/from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency location on Fallowfield Road will be provided by new Route 179 instead of Route 170.
Special service to recreational destinations
Summer weekend service returns on Route 129 to the Canadian Aviation and Space Museum, on Route 185 to the Experimental Farm and Canada Agricultural Museum, and on Route 198 to Petrie Island. Buses run every 30 minutes during the day on weekends, including on holidays.
Free service on Canada Day
Transit is the best option for travelling to Canada Day festivities downtown and across the city with free service all day on OC Transpo and Para Transpo. A special schedule will operate on July 1, with additional service during the day and after the fireworks.
Paper passes are being discontinued
June is the last month for Adult paper passes. Starting in July, adult passes must be purchased on Presto. July will be the last month for senior and community paper passes. Customers can visit an OC Transpo Customer Service Centre or City of Ottawa Client Service Centre to purchase their Presto card. Customers can also go online at prestocard.ca or call 1-877-378-6123 to order their Presto card. Visit octranspo.com for more information.
Real-time schedule information is available 24 hours a day by calling 613-560-1000 or texting 560560 plus the four-digit bus stop number. Register for alerts at octranspo.com to receive news or route specific changes or detours by e-mail or text. Standard rates apply to SMS messages. New printed timetables are now available. For more details and travel planning assistance, customers should call OC Transpo at 613-741-4390 or visit octranspo.com.