11 Mar OC Transpo adjusts schedules during March Break
Ottawa – OC Transpo service will be operating on a reduced weekday schedule during March Break (March 14 to 18) when schools are closed and ridership is temporarily lower.
Bus arrival times may be adjusted slightly compared to the usual weekday schedule, and during rush hour most routes will have one or two fewer trips. All school routes numbered in the 600s and special school trips on regular routes will not be in service. The O-Train Trillium Line schedule will remain the same.
March Break schedules are available at www.octranspo.com. Automated real-time schedule information is available 24 hours a day by calling 613-560-1000 or texting 560560 plus your four‑digit bus stop number.
For more information and travel planning assistance, call OC Transpo at 613-741-4390 or visit www.octranspo.com.