21 Dec OC Transpo adjusts service for O-Train Confederation Line construction and makes winter schedule changes
Ottawa – Starting Sunday, December 20, the next phase of OC Transpo service adjustments to accommodate O-Train Confederation Line construction will take effect. These service adjustments require the closure of the Transitway roadway between Lees and Hurdman stations. Additional adjustments will start Sunday, January 17, and will require the closure of the Transitway roadway between Empress Avenue and Merton Street. Changes have been designed to minimize impacts to customers, maintain transfers and serve major destinations, but some customers may have a slightly longer travel time and may see changes at stations and with connections.
All customers are encouraged to visit octranspo.com and use the new travel planner to see if their trips are affected.
On Track 2018 – Confederation Line Construction
December 20
- Transitway roadway closes between Lees and Hurdman stations.
- Many routes will bypass Lees Station, which will be served by Routes 6, 16, 85, 101, new 103 and by Routes 91 and 95 eastbound, and 98 southbound. Service between Lees and downtown will be maintained by Routes 16 and 85.
- Transit services at Lees Station will be accessible on the upper level; the lower level will only be open to allow pedestrian access.
- Hurdman Station will no longer be served by Routes 95, 114, 192, 401 and 602, but new Route 104 will maintain connections from the east end. Stops in the station will be adjusted, which may affect where customers catch their bus.
January 17
- Transitway roadway closes between Empress Avenue and Merton Street, and buses will be rerouted to bus lanes on Albert and Scott Streets.
- LeBreton and Bayview Transitway stations will be relocated slightly to Albert Street.
Service Adjustment Highlights
December 20
- East end morning rush hour routes will be shortened to end downtown at Bay Street instead of LeBreton Station, except Route 27.
- Downtown Gatineau connections on Albert Street in the morning are maintained with Routes 8, 27 and 40, and at LeBreton Station with Routes 8 and 105.
- East end afternoon rush hour routes, except Routes 24 and 231, will bypass Blair Station for a faster trip.
- West end morning rush hour routes will be shortened to end at Mackenzie King Station instead of Campus (University of Ottawa).
- South end rush hour routes will be shortened – Route 40 ends in Gatineau, instead of LeBreton, while Routes 41 and 43 end at Hurdman Station.
- Route 4 will be shortened to operate between downtown and Carleton University, while service between Carleton University and Hurdman Station will be provided by new Route 104.
- Route 85 will be shortened to end at Lees Station, and will be rerouted to bypass Campus Station and will travel via Laurier, King Edward, Mann, Chapel and Lees Avenue to the University of Ottawa Lees Campus.
- Route 95 bypasses Hurdman Station, but connection from the east end will be maintained by new Route 104.
- Route 98 will be shortened to end at LeBreton Station, instead of Tunney’s Pasture, during off-peak periods Monday to Friday.
- Route 101 peak period service to/from Orléans will be replaced by new Route 103, which bypasses Hurdman Station in both directions and St-Laurent Station eastbound.
- New Route 104 offers a direct connection between Orléans, Hurdman, Billings Bridge and Carleton University, seven days a week, with 24-hour service between Hurdman and Blair stations.
- Route 106 will be extended from Elmvale to St-Laurent Station via St. Laurent Boulevard for a new connection to hospitals on Smyth Road.
- Routes 114 and 192 will be shortened to end at St-Laurent Station instead of Hurdman.
- Route 129 will be shortened to end at Hurdman; trips to Carleton University will be provided by new Route 104.
- Route 401 will bypass Hurdman, while Route 403 will serve Hurdman but will bypass Lees Station.
- Route 602 will be shortened to start/end at Mackenzie King instead of Hurdman.
For more information about O-Train Confederation Line construction, visit ontrack2018.ca.
Seasonal schedule adjustments will also go into effect Sunday, December 20. New timetables are available in print and online at octranspo.com.
Real-time schedule information is available 24 hours a day, up to six days in advance, by calling 613-560-1000 or texting 560560 plus the four‑digit bus stop number. For more details, travel planning assistance, and new timetables, customers should call OC Transpo at 613-741-4390 or visit octranspo.com.