23 Oct Ottawa Cycling Plan – Heron Road Corridor – Public Open House
Although the project limits for this functional design study do not fall within River Ward, many residents may find the design of these new cycling facilities of interest, given their proximity.
Project P1-19 is listed in the 2013 Ottawa Cycling Plan as segregated cycling facilities in the Heron Road corridor between Data Centre Road and Alta Vista Drive, in support of a Cross-town Bikeway.
The City successfully applied for assistance from the Public Transit Infrastructure Fund (PTIF) to undertake the design of the facilities with 50% dollars coming from the federal government. This current project is identified as PTIF-41 and will take us to the detailed design stage. Design completion deadline is March 31/18 under PTIF requirements.
Funding to construct the facilities has not yet been identified/committed.
The city is planning a Public Open House on the functional design as follows: