15 Jan Ottawa Public Library Kiosk Success
As you may know, the Ottawa Public Library launched an innovative project back in August 2014 where lockers were installed at the Hunt Club – Riverside Park Community Centre (HCRPCC) to be ‘Holds Pickup Lockers’ for library users.
These new hold lockers, with 34 available slots, allowed customers to request items from the Library catalogue and select the Kiosk as the pick-up location to retrieve their items seven days a week, during HCRPCC opening hours. I am pleased to report that in the first week of service, 38 customers used the lockers and by October 2014, the lockers were consistently in use each week.
As a result, OPL has decided to purchase two additional bays of lockers. The new lockers were installed on Thursday, January 15th, bringing the new total of available slots to 54 (an increase of 37%).
I am pleased to see the success of this program and am working with the Library to see if there are other opportunities in the ward to use a similar model of delivery.