13 Nov Overnight parking restrictions have changed for 2015
Ottawa – The City of Ottawa has changed its overnight parking restrictions in time for the upcoming winter.
Overnight parking restrictions can be put into effect in Ottawa anytime between Sunday, November 15, 2015 and Friday, April 1, 2016. These restrictions ensure that the City’s snow-clearing crews are able to keep Ottawa’s roads safe and clear for pedestrians, cyclists, public transit, and motorists.
During this period, overnight parking restrictions are automatically enacted when seven centimetres or more of snowfall is forecast by Environment Canada. However, in extenuating circumstances, the City can impose restrictions or issue exemptions regardless of the forecast.
The City of Ottawa will announce parking restrictions and inform residents if there is an exemption through ottawa.ca and the City’s Twitter account @ottawacity.
When restrictions are put into place, parking will not be permitted on Ottawa streets between 1 and 7 a.m.
Vehicles parked on the street when a restriction is in effect will be ticketed, and could be towed. Vehicle owners who have a municipal on-street parking permit are exempt from winter overnight parking restrictions.
What’s new in 2015?
During winter overnight parking bans, residents will have free access to covered City owned parking garages. For more information about which City garages are free during winter overnight parking bans, visit ottawa.ca.
The annual fee structure for on-street parking permits remains unchanged but monthly fees will change by season. This means that permits will be less expensive in the summer months but more expensive in winter to reflect the true cost of maintenance. The new fee structure will take effect in early 2016.
Be in the know about snow
Sign up to receive e-mail or Twitter notifications of overnight parking restrictions at ottawa.ca. After you sign up, you will receive an e-mail or Twitter alert via @ottawacity, every time a winter overnight parking restriction goes into effect or is lifted. The service is free and you can unsubscribe at anytime.
You can also find out if an overnight parking restriction is in effect by calling 3-1-1 (TTY: 613-580-2401) or through local media.