12 Feb Pet Shop By-law Review – Update
As part of the 2015 Council-approved By-law Review Strategy, Council directed city staff to review Schedule 29 of the Business Licensing By-law (2002-189, as amended), respecting pet shops, to consider restricting the sale of cats, dogs and rabbits in pet shops to adoption through specific non-commercial sources, such as humane societies and rescue groups.
This is to advise that the public consultation phase of the review process is underway. Public input is being collected primarily on-line as a convenient way for residents to share their views. Participants are encouraged to review the Discussion Paper, available on Ottawa.ca, and complete the electronic Comment Sheet.
City staff will be meeting with interested groups and other key stakeholders to ensure their input thoroughly informs the review process.
A dedicated “Bylaw Reviews / Révision Règlements” mailbox has also been created as a primary point of contact for this and subsequent by-law reviews approved by Council in the Review Strategy.
If you wish to provide feedback on this issue, please use the comments sheet listed above. In addition, I am always interested in your feedback. Please email me your thoughts at Riley.Brockington@Ottawa.ca. You also email bylawreviews@ottawa.ca or revisionreglements@ottawa.ca
Staff will review the comments received on the pet shop issue, and report back to the Community and Protective Services Committee in March.